The Dusty Junk was a weathered, beaten up, junk boat covered in pillows and other hobo-lush trimmings, perfect for sailing out into the playa with a cup of green tea and apples for the pirates. It is both a homage to my hometown(an important colonial era seaport) and to Robert Altman’s Popeye, which I’m a bit obsessed over.
Its maiden voyage was in August 2011, in Black Rock City, NV. It also returned in 2012 and 2014, with the project helmed by Scott Keeler. Currently, the Dusty Junk is retired, and lives out at East Jesus, a art community out by the Salton Sea, where she is tasked with ferrying beautiful people to the hot springs at a terrifying “more than 5 miles an hour.”

Currently, the Dusty Junk is retired, and lives out at East Jesus, a art community out by the Salton Sea, where she is tasked with ferrying beautiful people to the hot springs at a terrifying “more than 5 miles an hour.”